Friday, May 18, 2007
Family Visit
Since Martha was forgetful with her camera (I know it's shocking) on her visit with us while she was in Ohio, I thought I'd share my photos. This is a picture of 4 of the 11 cousins. I am the oldest grandchild, Paul (Martha's brother) was next in line, then Martha, we spent most of our younger years together. Usually, it consisted of me and either Paul, or Martha, ganging up on the other that wasn't with me at the moment. I spent many of my childhood years bruised and beaten since I was always the fat one that couldn't run! Anyway, I'm getting off subject. As we grew older, we are all very close. Since I was raised as an only child, I am so thankful for my relationships with my cousins. I love each and every one very much! I just wish I could spend more time with Martha!
This is Martha's true side that most of you don't know about. Remember I mentioned my childhood bruises? This is Martha abusing her brother, Paul. (I am in so much trouble when she sees this)
Ethan and Jared are two peas in a pod. I was taking photos and they wanted their "silly looks". They are so cute together, and as you can see, they both sweat the same! They had not been in water!
This is Seth, Aaron, Joshua, Alex (another cousin's son), Andrew, Jared, and Ethan. You can see Andrew is as happy as always. I had to force this picture on him! What I found funny is Seth is only 9 months older than Aaron. Look how much taller he is! Aaron is the runt of the family.
Here is the "real" photo of Paul, Martha, Me, and David (Martha's other brother).It was so much fun with all of us being together. I just wish it could have lasted more than just a few hours......
I love you all!