Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Recap of the Last Few Weeks

The last day of school for the boys was on May 31st. I'm just a little behind!! This is Aaron getting on his van (Don the driver-couldn't ask for a better man for this job) for his last day of kindergarten! I can't believe it's over already! Andrew and Dillon (my friend's son that I put on the bus so she can get to work) waiting for the bus the last day. They are the same age. Dillon is average size for 9, Andrew is just huge! I am finding it really hard to believe he will be in the 4th grade. He received awards for highest honors all 4 quarters, and a gold medal for reading. He earned extra reading points (on computer tests they take) for the entire year. I am very bad and don't have a pic of Joshua on the last day. He leaves early in the morning and I wasn't awake enough to remember the camera! Joshua earned a band medal for having a A+ for 3 quarters (would have had 4 if he turned in his practice time that he did do), received a Social Studies award, Math award (doesn't get that from me) and honor roll. I'm still in total denial that he will be in 6th grade!!!
We took one day and went to Kings Island. Some friends from church went with us also. We took a picnic to eat at the park. This is Naomi, Stephen and Joshua.

We visited with Blue. Dillon went with us this day also. He calls me aunt Leslie, I've known his mom since the 4th grade. The older boys still enjoy getting their pictures with the characters.

My dad has a christian friend he works with who owns horses. He's been wanting my dad to bring the boys to see him. He's especially interested in Aaron, because he would eventually like to do a special needs program. Horse back riding is a big thing for special needs kids. It is used for a lot of theraputic reasons. This is Jared enjoying his ride.

Aaron did love it. I couldn't go that day since one of the boys was sick. Scott said Aaron was so excited and wanted to ride every horse he saw!

Well, this is a quick recap of our last few weeks!

1 comment:

Martha C said...

Love the cute pic of Aaron getting on the bus.
Okay, if I move back to Cincy, I hope your dad's friend won't mind me riding horses! Ha. I was dying to find a place around there where I could. (Oh yeah, and not pay $40 to do it!)