Monday, June 25, 2007

Leaving on the Pre-teen Mission Trip

Tomorrow morning Scott and I will be traveling with our oldest son, Joshua, to the intercity of Nashville, TN. We are going with our children's Pastor, Julie, and 8 other adults. We are taking 32 5th and 6th graders with us. Please pray that God will help prepare all of our hearts for this trip. I know that we will be seeing things we are not used to . I hear there is a lot of drugs in this neighborhood too. Also, please pray for our safety. We have some kids that are going that have been through a lot in their personal lives this past year. I'm praying this will help them grow closer to God during their rough lives. Last I heard, I will have a certain child in my car that is related to fellow bloggers! My last list contained the name Drew Englund! I was teasing him all last week during VBS that he was going to be my best friend after this trip, since we will have spent 2 whole weeks together by the end! (I taught his VBS class) I'm not sure how excited he was, but I will have pictures upon my return!
On a personal note, please pray for my dad and my other 3 boys while we are gone. My dad is so wonderful and took a weeks vacation to keep them for us. I trust my dad 100%, but I know this is going to be difficult. Aaron is always into things and on the go. My sister is in Florida visiting her biological dad for the next 2 weeks, so he will be alone with the boys. I pray for protection and peace for the them while we are away.
Well, I need to do lots of things so I can leave town in the morning! Thanks for your prayers and we return the evening of July 1st. I'll have pictures then.

On a side note, I weighed myself this a.m. I weighed 227.2. In 3 weeks I'm down 10 pounds!!!!


Sharlyn said...

Congrats and much applause. You are on your way. I am working to replace a bad habit with a positive one (thanks, Dr Phil)--That's my tip for the day. Have a good one!

Angie D said...

Great job! I won't tell you what evil numbers popped up on my scales this morning...

Aimee said...

32 FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADERS?!?!?!? You will definitely be needing prayer. =)

Jana said...

Hope you had a wonderful trip!! I'm sure you will be exhausted!! And, Congrats on the weight loss- that's an awesome start!!!!

Martha C said...

Been thinking of you. . .